History of Brentwood
Brentwood Baptist Church started in the 1950’s as a small group of believers who had a similar conviction to begin a church in the Brentwood and Old Ocean View Road area of Norfolk, Virginia. They began meeting in the gym of Crossroads Elementary School.
Half of the current facility was built in the early 60’s and the newest portion was added a few years later. Since its beginning, Brentwood has been working hard in their attempts to reach the community through the preaching of the Good News of Jesus Christ and meeting the needs of people.
A new chapter is being written currently in the history of Brentwood. As mentioned above, that the church began in the school of Crossroads Elementary, this same school is being rebuilt into a new and better facility. As it is being rebuilt, Brentwood is now reassessing who we are and how we do what God wants us to do. That old relationship between the school and our church is being rekindled. Stay tuned for future developments!